Saturday, January 17, 2009

Moving to

At the beginning of the week I was contacted by Adam Machanic and asked if I was interested in moving my blog from Blogger to which is run by Adam, and Peter Debetta. This was originally something that I thought would be easy to do, but when it came down to it and I had to make a decision it was really hard to do. I've spent the last year blogging on this site, building a reader base, and using the content here to help answer questions on various forums. Currently I get just under 200 hits a day and have over 50 subscribed readers to this blog, so why would I want to move my blog?

Well, the main reason is the extended reach that exists for due to the other bloggers who blog there including Kalen Delaney, Kevin Kline, Adam Machanic, Simon Sabin, Peter Debetta, Aaron Bertrand, and numerous others. Now some might call me a sell out, but in reality the whole reason that we blog is to have people read what we write. I've been pretty successful building readership on my own, but by blogging at, I can grow my readership even further and faster.

So that being said, if you follow me here, I hope you will continue to follow me on I plan to leave this blog in place since there are thousands of links to its content online and I would hate to orphan those links. You can follow my new posts on the SQLBlog RSS feed for my new blog at:

The link to the actual blog is:


  1. Congratulations and subscribed. A well deserved jump!

  2. Congratulations! Great choice by Adam. I will continue following you over there individually and I subscribe to their "All Blog" feed anyway.

    Nice move.
